Drama & Expressive Arts Therapy * Mental Health Counseling * Spiritual Direction
Intentional Creativity * SandStory Therapy * Sacred Art & Rites of Passage * Clinical Supervision * Workshops and Retreats
The Times of Our Lives
Facilitated by Maggie Yowell Wilson
At St. James Episcopal Parish, 24447 94th Ave. S., Kent
Wednesdays, October 2nd through November 20, 2019 from 10:15 am to 11:30 am,
$15 per session or $80 if paid in full
A Creative Reminiscence, Meaning Making, Sharing and Support Group
Join Maggie Yowell Wilson in an 8-week reminiscence group for life review, navigating transitions, and marking life passages.
Tending the Soul - Introduction to SoulCollage®
Facilitated by Maggie Yowell Wilson
At St. James Episcopal Church, 24447 94th Ave. S., Kent
Saturday, October 19, 2019 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, $75
SoulCollage® involves working with the language of symbols, images, and archetypes to discover the ongoing "story of you." Participants intuitively select powerful images that reflect the different parts of who you are. Using collage, an art process easy for anyone, you can start creating a personal deck of SoulCollage cards that you can add to, delight in, and consult for a lifetime. Every card is unique and personal, forming a visual journal. Making and consulting these cards is deepening for the soul, while at the same time it is creative and fun.
To register, contact Maggie Wilson at Maggie@maggieyowellwilson.com or call 206-606-3545